Dreaming of... ZUHAIR MURAD Collection | Spring Summer 2016

Non sono mai stata un'appassionata di alta moda, forse perché ciò che viene generalmente proposto sulle passerelle mi sembra lontano anni luce dal gusto della gente comune, più simile ad una provocazione che ad un reale prodotto artistico. Quante volte ci capita di osservare gli abiti dei grandi stilisti e chiederci con stupore - o meglio sarcasmo - chi abbia il coraggio di indossarli? Tante, tantissime. Ma per fortuna non tutte.

Capita così di imbattersi in fashion designer talmente talentuosi da conquistare anche le più fashion-scettiche (possiamo coniare questo termine?) come me.

Negli ultimi anni, in tanti si sono accorti del suo talento, anche tra le celebrities: tra gli altri, hanno scelto le creazioni di Murad Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Dita Von Teese, Nina Dobrev, Florence Welch, Blake Lively.

Haute Couture, Ready-To-Wear, accessori, eyewear, abiti da sposa: il business di Murad è molto ampio e in rapida espansione, e potrebbe presto includere anche prodotti di bellezza, profumi, swimwear e lingerie. Per ora, noi ci accontentiamo di sognare ammirando le incredibili creazioni che compongono la collezione Primavera-Estate 2016 Ready-to-wear (sotto).

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I've never been a fashion addict, probably because what is usually shown on catwalks appears to be incredibly distant from common people, looking more similar to a provocation rather than real art. How many times do we happen to observe designers' dresses and sarcastically wonder who is brave enough to wear them? Often, too often. But fortunately not always.So it happens to come across such talented fashion designers to win over even the most fashion-skepticals (can we coin this term?) like me.That's the case of the fortyfive-years-old Zuhair Murad, a Lebanese designer famous all over the world since more than 15 years. Born in Beirut, after high school he moved to Paris, where he studied fashion. The first acclaimed appearance on catwalks takes place in Italy in 1999, but it is only in 2001, with the presentation of his haute couture collection during Paris Fashion Week, that he is ligitimized as one of the best emerging fashion designers.In recent years, many have become aware of his talent, especially among celebrities:  Murad's creations have been chosen by Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Dita Von Teese, Nina Dobrev, Florence Welch, Blake Lively and many others.Haute Couture, Ready-To-Wear, accessories, eyewear, wedding dresses: Murad's business is large and rapidly expanding and may soon also include beauty products, perfumes, swimwear and lingerie. For now, we are satisfied with admiring the amazing dresses of his Ready-to-Wear Spring Summer collection for 2016.

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